Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Inspire Sleep Therapy

Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Inspire Sleep Therapy

Surgeons that implant the device: (pictured from left to right)

Ashish Shah, MD, Rohan Khandalavala, MD, Cherie Ryoo, MD, Scott Kramer, MD, Eugene Chio, MD


The hypoglossal nerve stimulator is an implanted medical device that reduces the occurrence of OSA by electrically stimulating the hypoglossal nerve, which causes tongue movement. This stimulation is timed with breathing to relieve upper airway obstruction. The hypoglossal nerve stimulation system is fully implanted beneath the skin and controlled with a remote, allowing patients to sleep free from devices on the face or in the mouth.

Inspire is for people who:

  • Have been diagnosed with moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Have tried but are unable to use or get benefit from CPAP
  • Are not significantly overweight
  • Are over age 18

How Does it Work?

Inspire works inside the body with a patient’s natural breathing process to treat sleep apnea. Inspire delivers mild stimulation to key airway muscles, allowing the airway to open during sleep. The patient uses a small handheld remote to turn Inspire on before bed and off when they wake up.

No Mask, No Hose … Just Sleep!

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea after a recent sleep study and would like to learn more about how Inspire may be helpful for you

Eugene, Chio MD

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians
6670 Perimeter Dr , #120, Dublin, Ohio, 43016
974 Bethel Road , # A, Columbus, Ohio, 43214

Scott Kramer, MD

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians
974 Bethel Road, Suite A
Columbus, OH 43214

Rohan Khandalavala, MD

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians
974 Bethel Road , # A, Columbus, Ohio, 43214
477 Cooper Road , #480, Westerville, Ohio, 43081

Cherie Ryoo, MD

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians
6573 E. Broad St
Columbus, Ohio, 43213

Ashish Shah, MD

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians
6573 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43213

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