Facial Plastics

Rejuvenation Treatments

Facial Plastics

Rejuvenation Treatments

Rejuvenating Treatments

The Express Facial is for those who are on the go and time is of the essence. Your skin is cleansed, exfoliated, a mask is then selected for your skin’s needs followed with moisturizer and sunscreen.

Our Customized Medi Facial is custom designed to address the critical needs of your skin to create a healthy balance. This may include extractions, decongestion, mild exfoliation and replenishment with antioxidants, deep hydration as well as brightening and firming to aid in the integrity of a radiant new completion. Face, neck, and décolleté massage is also performed in each of these custom facials.


Skin Rejuvenation / Photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation uses light energy from a laser and laser-like device called an Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to improve:

  • Brown spots caused by the sun, aging and genetics
  • Blotchy redness
  • Broken blood vessels

Photorejuvenation, which is sometimes referred to as a “Photofacial”, also improves texture by stimulating collagen production in the skin. This makes pores appear smaller and fine lines less noticeable. Four to five treatments are spaced 3-4 weeks apart to achieve the best results. Our clients love the way photorejuvenation treatments make their skin look and feel – tight, refreshed and even-toned.

The entire face is treated in approximately 20 minutes. The neck, chest, arms and hands may also be treated safely and effectively. We use the Palomar ICON with its patented SkinTelâ melanin reading technology for improving red and brown lesions on the skin. No anesthetic cream is necessary during a photorejuvenation procedure.

Temporary redness and darkening of freckles and brown spots after each treatment are expected. Occasionally, slight swelling occurs under the eyes. More serious side effects are rare, but most can be avoided by proper sun avoidance before and after the procedure. Possible adverse effects include discoloration (lightening or darkening), prolonged redness, bruising, swelling, and – although extremely rare – blistering or scarring.

Those who suffer from rosacea may need to use topical or oral medicines to prevent the return of blood vessels that cause the excessive redness. After the initial series of treatments, one or two photorejuvenation treatments per year are helpful to keep brown spots, blood vessels and fine lines at bay. Frequency of maintenance treatments largely depends on sun exposure. We use our laser resurfacing hand piece to improve wrinkles in laser rejuvenation as well.


Rosacea is an inflammatory disorder causing redness, flushing and acne-type breakouts on the face. It generally affects adults between the ages of 30 and 60 with fair skin. About 14 million Americans have this chronic skin condition. Although it’s more common in women, men may develop more apparent signs of the disorder. It’s not a life threatening condition, but it can effect your appearance and lower one’s self-esteem. Left untreated, rosacea tends to be progressive, which means it gets worse over time and more difficult to manage. The cause of rosacea remains unclear, and it is famously difficult to treat. However, with the newest laser technology, it can generally be successfully improved and controlled. A series of 5 treatments taking 30 to 45 minutes each is performed to seal the layers of tiny vessels that cause the generalized redness and flushing problems. There is no downtime after treatments other than redness that generally dissipates over several hours. Some clients report swelling for a few days.

Permanent Hair Reduction with Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is your solution if you live with unwanted hair and find that too much of your time and money is consumed by waxing, shaving, using creams or electrolysis. Electrolysis is effective, but since it only treats one hair follicle at a time, it is not practical for large areas and can be extremely painful and time-consuming.

Rapid laser hair removal selectively destroys hundreds of follicles upon each pulse of light delivered without harming the surrounding skin. The light absorbed by the pigment in the follicles is transformed into heat, which can safely disable the follicle. The heat loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. Since pigment is necessary to treat effectively, we cannot treat gray, blonde or silver hair. Ethnic skin tones and darker-skinned individuals require laser light with long wavelengths and pulse widths, preferably with the Forte laser/light system. Since hair follicles grow in cycles, it is impossible to treat all the viable hair follicles in one session. To be effective, a series of 6-8 treatments is necessary. To target the active growth cycle, the treatments are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. During this time, it is important to only shave or clip the new hair growth. No waxing, plucking or hair removal creams should be used since the hair shaft must be intact for the light energy to be transmitted to the hair bulb.

Almost all areas, such as face (except around the eyes), back, chest, shoulders, legs and arms can be treated effectively, quickly and safely. At Waterford Wellness. we use the Quanta Forte due to its unparalleled efficacy, easy, fast treatment, and no downtime. Experience the freedom of no more waxing, tweezing or shaving!

Sun Damage and Sun Spots

Benign pigmented lesions such as age spots, liver spots, actinic damage or sun damage on the face, neck, décolleté, shoulders, hands, legs and back can be removed by an Intense Pulsed Light photorejuvenation treatment or each lesion can be treated individually. Using physician directed skin care bleaching products and UVA-UVB blocking SPF 30 sunscreens with the IPL procedure will give the best results. Chemical peels can be effective adjunctive therapies in improving this sometimes difficult problem.

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