Patient Resources

COVID 19- Update

Patient Resources

COVID 19- Update

According to CDC guidelines, Healthcare Facilities should continue to follow all current  COVID-19 infection prevention and control recommendations.

  • As a Healthcare Facility, Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians will continue to require you and anyone accompanying you to your appointment to wear a mask throughout the entire visit, IF the community transmission level is high, regardless of vaccination status.  If you are unwilling to follow our masking guidelines, we can reschedule you when the mask requirement for healthcare is lifted.  Ensuring that patients, physicians, and staff wear masks will allow us to provide the safest environment possible for everyone (such as our high-risk patients who may not be able to receive the vaccine).
  • Upon entering the office, we ask that you use the provided hand sanitizer.
  • We will continue screening for COVID-19 symptoms and risk factors when you enter our office.
  • In order to limit your wait time in our lobby we ask all patients to complete their registration electronically before your visit.

We appreciate your cooperation and assistance with these processes!

Get Your COVID Vaccine!

Ohio ENT & Allergy Physicians supports the coronavirus vaccination program and want our patients to stay healthy and safe. We hope this information sheet helps provide information about vaccine distribution, eligibility, and locations where you can receive the vaccine.

Go online to learn more about Ohio’s vaccination program and eligibility:

Go to the following site to find a location delivering the vaccine close to you:

For more information from the Ohio Department of Health – CLICK HERE

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